Tardy, Attendance, and Absence Policy and Procedures:
Regular school attendance is vital to successful academic growth. Students are expected to attend school every day and to be on time to each class. At Culver Park High School, there are no passing periods between classes, due to the proximity between classrooms. Student absences, whether excused or not, disrupt the continuity of the learning process. All students are expected to maintain satisfactory attendance. Students who do not maintain satisfactory attendance may not be able to: obtain a Work Permit, attend CPHS or CCHS events including Prom, Grad Night and graduation ceremony. Culver Park is a closed campus; students are required to stay on campus through the end of the school day or will be marked truant. Attendance is recorded for each class period. Parents will be notified of absences and tardiness by phone and/or letters.
Reporting student absences:
Restorative Practices:
CCUSD’s initiative to support the whole child blends with the State of California’s changes in methods of addressing discipline issues. “Restorative Practices” is a movement grounded in principles designed to create powerful relationships, which are central to building thriving communities. This represents a paradigm shift that focuses on harm done, rather than the rule broken, and in the restoration of relationships. Our goal is not to simply punish a student for a wrong-doing, but, instead, to use it as a learning experience for those involved, thus improving a student’s future behavior.
To that end, detentions may be accumulated in the following ways: tardiness, truancy, disruptiveness, profanity, and other violations of school norms. At Culver Park High School, we offer students daily opportunities to earn redemption time that restores their record, effectively making them “whole” again.
Our new 0 period is such an opportunity; it is designed to provide time for enrichment and/or redemption during the school day. Some activities may qualify for Service Learning and/or class assignments. 0 Period activities will include: calisthenics/yoga/self-defense techniques, sustainable garden maintenance/recycling/campus beautification, arts workshops, college & career prep/life skills.